Terms of use and privacy Cookies policy

Terms of use and privacy

Last update: 09 August 2019

1.- Ownership and Responsibility

The website owner and data controller is Your Name S.L. (Hereinafter, the “Service”), with registered address at Your Address Here, and tax ID number (NIF) B75000000.

YOUR COMPANY is listed in the Mercantile Registry of CITY, volume VOLUME NUMBER, folio FOLIO NUMBER, section SECTION NUMBER, inscription INSCRIPTION NUMBER, and sheet SHEET NUMBER.

Email: legal@yourdomain.com

This website attributes the condition of user to those who use it, which implies your acceptance of the terms and conditions indicated below.

2.- External links

This website may link to other websites.

However, we do not exercise any kind of control over these websites or their contents, which are subject to their own terms and conditions. Likewise, we assume no association or liability of any kind for these websites, nor do we guarantee their technical availability, quality, reliability, exactness, or veracity.

3.- Intellectual and Industrial Property

The Service is the owner or licensee of all of its website’s industrial and intellectual property rights, as well as the elements contained therein.

For this reason, reproducing, distributing, publicly communicating, or transforming all or part of the contents of this website for commercial purposes in any format, and through any technical means, is expressly forbidden without authorisation from the Service.

4.- Data protection

4.1- Information collected

Personal and non-personal information collected will change depending on your use of the website and its characteristics.

Personal and non-personal information collected will come to us from two sources: 1) information automatically collected 2) information you provide to us voluntarily.

4.1.1.- Automatically collected data

This information will consist of:

Information collected through cookies or similar mechanisms stored on your device, always with your consent. Consult our Cookies Policy for more information.

The IP the connection was made through, the type of device used and its characteristics, the operating system version, type of browser, language, date, country, time of request, reference URL or mobile network used, among others.

Website usage data and possible errors detected during your use, such as pages not found or flawed page views.

4.1.2.- Voluntarily collected data

This information will consist of:

The information contained in messages sent through the website contact channels. For example, your email, user or actual name, subject or message.

The personal or non-personal information required to leave a comment on posts in the news section, such as the content of the comment, name, email, and website, for example.

Data provided to register yourself as a user. For example, your email, user or actual name, subject or message.

The personal information required to sign up for a newsletter, such as your email address.

(Eliminate or include processing as necessary)

4.2.- Rights

We would like to inform you that filling out forms is voluntary. However, if you do not fill in required fields (marked with an asterisks), the use of some of the website’s functions will not be available, or may be limited.

The personal data that you provide us will be processed and included in files owned by the Service in order to be able to respond to your requests.

You can exercise your right to access, correct, delete, limit processing, oppose, and transfer your personal data at any time by writing to the email address: legal@yourdomain.com or mailing address: Your Address Here.

In both cases, you must identify yourself with your first and last name(s), along with a copy of your national ID.

You can find the various forms for exercising these rights here.

If you have given consent for any specific purpose, you have the right to withdrawal your consent at any time without this affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent given prior to its withdrawal.

In addition, if you feel that there is an issue with the way in which we are handling your data, you can lodge a complaint with the corresponding data protection agency, in this case being the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos for cases in Spain.

4.3.- Use of data

Data provided to the Service will be used for:

Responding to your requests, with the legal basis being our legitimate interest in responding to and answering questions from our users.

Providing you user access to our services, with the legal basis being our legitimate interest in providing and managing the service.

Posting your comments to the blog section of our website, with the legal basis being your consent.

Providing you with our latest news and updates through our newsletter, with the legal basis being your consent.

4.3.1.- Emails and contact forms

The website has SSL encryption that allows the user to safely send their personal data through standard contact forms.

The personal data collected will be subject to automated processing, and incorporated in the corresponding activity record files and those owned by the Service.

In this sense:

We will be provided your IP address, which will be used to check the origin of the message in order to offer you appropriate recommendations (for example, providing information in the correct language) and detect possible irregularities (for example, possible Service cyberattack attempts), as well as information associated with your ISP.

Likewise, you can provide us your data via telephone, email, or other indicated communication means.

4.3.2.- Social media

We have profiles on some of the Internet’s leading social networks, with the Service being the data controller for data posted thereto (for example, photos uploaded by the Service in which people’s faces appear).

This data will be processed according to the way the social network allows corporate profiles to do so. Therefore, we will be able to inform our followers about our activities or offers using any method that the social network allows, as long as this is not prohibited by law, as well as providing personalised customer service.

At no time will we extract data from social media, unless express and one-time consent is obtained from the user to do so.

Due to the nature of social media, when exercising your rights depends upon modifying your profile, we will help you and advise you insomuch as we are able.

4.4.- Data storage

The following is a list of how long data processed by the Service is stored:

  • Broken down data will be stored without deletion date.
  • Client data will be stored for the minimum time necessary, and may remain for:
  • 5 years, according to art. 1964 of the Civil Code (personal actions with no special period).
  • 6 years, according to art. 30 of the Commercial Code (invoicing or accounting books, for example).
  • User data uploaded by the Service to pages and profiles on social networks will be stored from the time the user provides their consent until they withdrawal consent.
  • Data provided for the newsletter will be stored from the time the user provides their consent until they withdrawal consent.

5.- Service providers and others

There are third parties that manage parts of the Service.

The Service requires they comply with this Privacy Policy insomuch as it applies, and they must also have their own such policy. Nevertheless, the Service will not be held responsible for compliance with said policy.

Under certain circumstances, the Service may share, use, store, or distribute Personal Information to third parties in a non-aggregated form:

  • To provide the Service:

Service providers that provide or perform functions in our name, including payment processing, analytics, and data storage. Service providers may collect and have access to information they require in order to perform their functions, but are not allowed to share or use said information for any other purpose.

  • To cooperate with the competent authorities:

If we believe that it is reasonably necessary to comply with any law or legal procedure. In all cases, we will only provide the information required.

If it is necessary to detect, prevent, or address and pursue fraud, security, or technical questions related to the Service in any way.

6.- Liability

To the extent allowed by law, the Service will not be held responsible for: a) errors or omissions in content; b) the website’s lack of availability, or; c) the transfer of malicious programmes through content, despite having adopted all reasonable technological measures to prevent this.

7.- Modifications

The Service reserves the right to make modifications to its website as it deems necessary without prior notice, and may change, delete, or add content and services that are presented through the platform, as well as how they are presented.

On the other hand, these terms and conditions may be changed at any time. Changes will go into effect the moment they are published.

8.- Cookies

Please read our Cookies Policy to better understand how we use them.